A Roarsome Adventure for Children who Love Dinosaurs!
In this personalized children's book, two delightful children venture out on a fantastic journey to a land of dinosaurs. There they meet the sweet little Triceratops, Tricka. Tricka can't find her best friend Steggo, the Stegosaurus. The two children decide to help find Steggo.
Along the way the children meet many different dinosaurs who help the two children in their quest to find Steggo. The children take a fantastic trip on the back of a high-flying Pteranodontia. They go for a swim on a water-loving Plesiosaurus, and the tall Brachiosaurus gives them a lift up, so they can look out over the grasslands. Finally, the children meet the speedy Velociraptor with its sharp claws and the formidable Tyrannosaurus Rex who, lucky for them, isn't all that ferocious when it comes down to it.
And perhaps – just perhaps – our two protagonists will find Steggo with a little help from the fantastic dinosaurs.
A personalized children's book about solidarity and teamwork. The book appeals to children’s fantasy, but also contains facts about the prehistoric dinosaurs.
The two children in the story can, for instance, be siblings, twins or friends aged 3 to 8.
Forfatter: Brian Mogensen
Illustrator: Jonas Sonne
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