Bring Christmas to life with this charming Christmas adventure!
In this personalised children's book, you can choose whether one or two sweet children are going to create the perfect Christmas in the woods. While waiting for Christmas, our creative children are looking forward to Christmas and help to pass the time by playing in the woods, where they have fun by making animals out of twigs and pinecones.
Suddenly, a gust of wind blows through the woods, a shooting star blazes across the sky and the animals magically come to life. The child(ren) and animals then busily plan for a wonderful Christmas in the woods, inviting all their closest family and friends! Who knows... Maybe Santa and his reindeer will show up at the celebration?
This book is the first book from our magical Christmas collection. Take a look at the sequels of the collection for more festive fun:
Name and Name in Santa’s Workshop.
Name and Name Save Christmas.
Name and Name’s Magical Christmas Journey.
The books combine into an enchanting Christmas adventure, but each book can also be read separately.
Forfatter: Anne Mette K Olesen
Illustrator: Meike Schneider
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