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Personalised Gift
Name Starts School

Name Starts School

249,00 kr. 249,00 kr.
Gør bogen personlig ⬇

The perfect book for children about to start school.

Starting school is a significant milestone for a child. Most children look forward to it but for some, the excitement is also mixed with a nervousness because of all the new things that will happen. When big changes happen in a child's life, it always helps to prepare them as thoroughly as possible. This gives the child comfort as they know what to expect.

This personalised children’s book is written by Psychologist and Children’s Book Author Ina Victoria Haller. The book contains common situations for all children who are about to start school and their families. It is written as an aid to prepare children for the first day of school. The book discusses preparing for starting school and gives an idea of how the first day of school will go. Throughout, the book there are interactive sections that ask questions to the child that is reading. This is to help clarify feelings and thoughts that the child might have about starting.

The book is designed to be read aloud to children who are about to start school. Younger, curious children can also get joy from listening in! The book is written so that it fits parents who live together, separately and single parents.

Forfatter: Ina Victoria Haller
Illustrator: Christinna Krog Andersen

3 til 6 år
32 sider
delivery time
4-5 hverdage
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På lager
Hårdt omslag, kraftigt papir 200 gr.
Hårdt omslag, kraftigt papir 200 gr.

Personalise Name Starts School

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Write a personalised dedication. Please do not use smileys since they unfortunately cannot be shown in the text. The text will be printed on the first page of your chosen story (max 300 characters).

Information about the Child

Write the Child's First Name.
Write the name of the school, that the child will be attending. Remember to include the word school, at the end of the name.

Information about the Parent(s)

Write Mummy, Daddy or the name of the parent included in the story. This parent wakes the child up in the morning and prepares the child for what to expect school to be like. This parent takes the child to school on the first day.
Write Mummy, Daddy or the name of the parent included in the story. This parent takes the child to school on the first day.
Choose here, who buys a new school bag with the child

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