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Fri fragt på køb over 400 kr.
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Personalized Gift
A and the Pacifier Pixie

Name and the Pacifier Pixie

249,00 kr. 249,00 kr.
Gør bogen personlig ⬇

A lovely book for all children who are saying goodbye to their pacifiers!

This personalised book is made with a wish to make the transition to life without a pacifier easier, for the child and the parents. It is written by psychologist and children’s book author Ina Victoria Haller. The story is influenced by a Scandinavian tradition, with the hope that it can inspire and motivate children to say goodbye to their pacifier. This book can be used to prepare the child that the time has come to stop using a pacifier. A guide is included with good advice to how you as parents can prepare the pacifier weaning.

The child in the story gets help from a magical Pacifier Pixie, who has many funny tricks up his sleeve to help prepare the child to live without a pacifier. With help and support from their parents and with this story in mind, maybe your child can find the courage and strength to say goodbye to the pacifier on their own.

In this book, two adults live with the child. It can be a mother and father, two mothers or another female guardian. Both adults feature in the story evenly.

Forfatter: Ina Victoria Haller
Illustrator: Jonas Sonne

2 til 4 år
32 sider
delivery time
4-5 hverdage
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Hårdt omslag, kraftigt papir 200 gr.
Hårdt omslag, kraftigt papir 200 gr.

Personalize Name and the Pacifier Pixie

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Write a personalized dedication. Please do not use smileys since they unfortunately cannot be shown in the text. The text will be printed on the first page of your chosen story (max 300 characters).

Information about the Child

Write the name of the city/town where the child lives.

Information about the Mother

Write the name of the first adult. The adults in this book live together with the child and participate equally in the story.

Information about Adult 2

Write the name of the second adult. The adults in this book live together with the child and participate equally in the story.

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